When thinking about Germany
pre-World War 2 and during World War 2 there is one thing that always comes to
my mind and that is late 1942 and early 1943. The Germany Third Reich started
after the end of the Weimar Republic and catapulted with Adolf Hitler taking
charge of the German government. The war started with Germany invading Poland
in on September 1, 1939 and Poland was lost in just 5 weeks (pg263-264). The
Germans had their sights set toward taking over Great Britain next but were
denied the opportunity and headed toward the Soviet Union. Hitler’s plan was to
get Britain to surrender by taking over the Soviet Union. Hitler figured that
with the allies largest force out of the war there would be no way for them to
win. However, like Hagen said “It was the same fatal mistake that Napoleon had committed
in 1812” (pg 266). This would end up being the worst mistake Hitler makes in
his conquest for “Fortress Europe.” Hitler was now in a two-sided war with
France and the Soviet Union. It didn’t take him long to over run the French but
the Russians were providing a bit more of a fight for the Germans. From 1939 to fall of 1942 the Germans
had taken over an enormous amount of land. Their empire stretched from France
to the outskirts of Moscow and from Norway to North Africa. However, Hagen
specifically says this “By midwinter of 1942-1943 the military commanders of
the Third Reich had shifted to purely defensive strategy” (pg 277).
defensive strategy was started because of two cities on the eastern front of
the war, Stalingrad and Moscow. With the German’s in ability to obtain these
two cities their pursuit for taking over the Soviet Union was more or less
over. It expended a great part of their army and it was a huge strike to the
moral of not only their soldiers but also their people. After the defeat at
Stalingrad Joseph Gobbles the head of propaganda under Hitler gave a speech to
the German people in hopes of “whip[ing] the public up to a frenzy of
fanaticism and determination to hold out”(pg 281). This was a far cry to
regroup the public and make them believe that there was still a chance to win
the war. The Soviet Union had a way different picture painted for the German
public and it only included the Red flag raised over Berlin.
personal opinion in the matter is that Germany and Hitler made an absolute
terrible decision to invade the Soviet Union so soon. This in my opinion was
the ending point of the war in Europe. The thing that intrigues me the most is
what if they would have waited till after the winter to invade? Could our
world, as we know it today be completely different? In studying World War 2 I
have thought about these questions an immense amount. If German 2had taken over
Moscow then they would have controlled nearly all of Europe with an open
territory to assist Japan in China and wage a naval attack on the west coast of
the United States. 1942 and 1943 played as the turning point of the war and
ultimately the entire world. Without the stop of the Germans advance in the
Soviet Union our world could be completely different today.
The picture above is an arial snap shot of what Stalingrad looked like after the battle. You can see how terrible the destruction was and how hard the Russians had to fight in order to keep the city.
These are German soldiers on the front lines for the Battle of Moscow. It is clear as day that they are a tad bit cold. Most German soldiers at the Battle of Moscow did not even have winter clothing and some froze to death. This was one of the greatest blunders of the entire war for the German army and could have very easily been the deciding point in them losing this battle.
This picture represents the German advance on Moscow. Its easy to tell that the weather had a huge part to play in the advance. Mainly because after the 16 of December there was very little gain in ground toward Moscow. Once winter settled into getting progressively worse the axis advance stalled. They were now playing on the Russians terms who were ready for the cold and knew how to fight in it.
German Conquest 1942
German Conquest 1944
The two maps represent the time frame of the German advance. In 1942 right before the losses at Moscow and Stalingrad the Germans were on the verge of taking over the two most important cities in the Soviet Union. By the end of 1944 the Germans were completely out of Soviet land and had lost France and most of Italy.